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Gender Based Violations And Harassment: GBVH

Gender-Based Violence and Harassment= GBVH: Fraport TAV does not accept gender-based harassment, violence and discrimination that may occur among its employees, business partners and subcontractor employees. With the same principle, Fraport TAV rejects the exposure of its passangers and local people to violence by Fraport TAV or subcontractor employees. The company has established a system for reporting and handling such situations. You can make a notification by filling out this form or through other communication channels on the form. Feedback will be given to you in the most convenient way.

Processes regarding all complaints you make within the scope of TCDŞ (Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddet) / GBVH (Gender Based Violance Harrassment) will be carried out by HR Ms. Denise Parnas.


Gender Based Violance Notification Form

Gender *
Harassment-Violence Type *

Detailed Explanation *
How would you like to receive feedback?
Face to face
By e-mail
By phone
The information you provide is protected under the Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698.

Gender Based Violence Call Line

Extension Number
16 01
External Number
315 16 01
Domestic Number
0242 315 16 01
International Number
+90 242 315 16 01
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